Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Cryptocoryne nurii 'Platinum'

Cryptocoryne nurii 'Platinum' is found on Lingga island in the Riau Archipellago province of Sumatra. It was discovered in 2009 by Mr. Nakamoto.
This beautiful new Cryptocoryne he named Cryptocoryne sp. 'Lingga 19 – Platinum Line' based on its distinct platin-colored leaf nerves. Recently this plant got the status of a cultivar: C. nurii 'Platinum'.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Cryptocoryne bangkaensis

A new species from the island of Bangka and Belitung near Sumatra. For a long time C. bangkaensis was considered as C. scurillis. C. bangkaensis is characterized by its limb with a more or less bumped surface with only protuberances on the margin of the limb, a narrow throat and a pronounced collar. The limb is mostly recurved and not fully flattened and is finely dotted.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Cryptocoryne x timahensis

Cryptocoryne x timahensis is an unusual and very rare crypt. Found only in a small pool in Bukit Timah national park in Singapore. C. x timahensis grows near the top of the hill in a very tiny stream in an artificial pond which is formed by damming the stream. There are no other localities known, so this plant is extremely vulnerable for any changes in the hydrological situation. Fortunately, this area is protected by a small forest growing on and around the hill. Plants grow in a shallow stream (about 25 cm deep) and water is slightly acidic.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Nano aquascape - "Crystal Canyon"

Dimensions: 27x20x20cm or 11x8x8" (10 liters) - Optiwhite
Lighting: Chihiros C-Series C301 14W
Filtration: Eden 501 (sponge, ceramic rings, Purolite)
CO2: Pressurised 1bps thru glass/ceramic diffuser
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Amazonia, Quartz sand
Hardscape: Glimmer wood rocks
Fertilization: PPS pro, Easy carbo
Water parameters: Temp. 23°C, pH 6.5, KH 3, GH 6, TDS 180
Plants: Fissidens sp. 'Philippines', Fissidens sp. 'Khao sok', Fissidens sp. 'Vietnam', Riccardia graeffei, Anubias sp. 'Pangolino', Crepidomanes sp. 'Calicut', Rotala sp. 'Wayanad', Rotala macrandra 'Mini Butterfly', Rotala sp.'Needle leaf', Hottonia palustris, Hemianthus sp. 'Amano pearl grass'
Fish/shrimps: Crystal Red shrimps, Ramshorn snails

Monday, 21 May 2018

Nano iwagumi - "Empire of Stone"

Dimensions: 36x22x26cm (ADA Mini M tank)
ADA Aquasky Moon 361 (connected on LED controler)
Oase FiltroSmart Thermo 100 (Reduced flow to about 250l/h)
2kg cylinder, Neo Diffuser, 1 bps
Other gadgets:
aFAN Pro cooling fan, Twinstar M3
ADA Aquasoil Amazonia Light, quartz sand
Ancient Stones
PPS-Pro method, Easy carbo
Fissidens sp. 'Dwarf', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Catherinae', Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis parvula, Riccardia graeffei, Fissidens sp. 'Philippines', Helanthium tenellum 'Green'


Sunday, 15 April 2018

Nano aquascape - "Call of the Wind"

 Day 105:

Dimensions: 27x20x20cm or 11x8x8" (10 liters) - Optiwhite
Lighting: Chihiros C-Series C301 14W
Filtration: Eden 501 (sponge, ceramic rings, Purigen)
CO2: Pressurised 1bps thru glass/ceramic diffuser
Substrate: Quartz sand
Hardscape: Dragon stones
Fertilization: PPS pro, Easy carbo
Water parameters: Temp. 23°C, pH 6.7, KH 5, GH 8
Plants: Riccardia chamedryfolia, Eleocharis sp. 'Mini', Taxiphyllum sp. "Flame moss",Anubias sp. 'Pangolino', Crepidomanes sp. 'Calicut', Elatine hydropiper, HC 'Cuba', Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping'
Fish/shrimps: Neocaridina davidi var. Topaz Blue, Leopard ramshorn snails