Wednesday, 20 December 2023

"Jurassic World" - 96L aquascape

This aquarium is inspired by Jurassic World. Hardscape made of Red Moorwood and Fossilized Wood on which various ferns grow - a good combination to evoke that period. The fish I am planning to introduce are Parambassis sp. / Gymnochanda sp. and something more bizarre looking (the weirder the better :)) depending on what will be available. Some of the plants are still not planted such as Bucephalandra and some ferns as I am waiting for the aquarium to stabilize a bit, even though the filter has been in operation since the last setup.

Day 1:

Dimensions: 60x40x40cm - 96 liters or 25 gallons
Lighting: Zetlight Qmaven II ZT6300II
Filtration: Eheim 2217 
Substrate: Lava gravel, ADA Amazonia light, Pool filter sand
Hardscape: Fossilized Wood, Red Moorwood
Flora: Anubias sp. 'Congensis Mini', Anubias sp. 'Micro', Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin', Anubias sp. 'Pangolino', Anubias sp. 'Petite', Anubias sp. 'Snow White', Bolbitis sp. 'Mini' Guinea 2002, Bucephalandra sp. 'Belindae' P. Boyce 2011, Bucephalandra sp. 'Catherinae', Bucephalandra sp. 'Kedagang Mini', Fissidens nobilis, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Hymenasplenium obscurum, Marsilea crenata, Hottonia palustris, Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo', Microsorum sp. 'Mini Coral', Microsorum sp. 'Mini needle leaf', Moss 'Mini Weeping' Borneo, Phyllanthus fluitans, Riccardia sp. 'Graeffei', Rotala sp. 'Green'
Above the water surface: Rumohra sp., Neoregelia liliputiana, Neoregelia sp. 'Perfect Stripe', Davallia fejeensis, Tillandsia brachycaulos, forest moss.
Fauna: Caridina multidentata, Neocaridina davidi var. 'Blue Jelly', Theodoxus danubialis, Garra flavatra, Parambassis ranga, Ctenops nobilis
Fertilization: Plantavit complete 1.2ml daily via dosing pump

Day 21:

Day 47:

Day 511:

I haven't updated this aquarium for a long time, better late than never. :) A lot of things happened in the meantime - after 4 months from the start I decided to stop adding CO2. I think it was a good decision in terms of maintenance even though I had to remove some of the stem plants. Not so much because of the CO2, but because I also raised the lighting console by about 10 cm so that I could grow plants above the water surface.
This has been a low-energy aquarium for over a year now.

Davallia fejeensis
Tillandsia brachycaulos

Neoregelia liliputiana

Parambassis ranga
Ctenops nobilis

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