Monday, 27 February 2017

Growing Cryptocoryne emersed - High-tech setup

Advantage of emersed grown Cryptocoryne is they grow easier and require less maintenance then submerged which require an aquarium conditions suitable for them with substrate, fertilization, CO2... Growing Crypts emersed is a great way to maintain a large collection of species without all the complications and care required to grow them submerged.

For this setup i have used:

- Clear plastic storage container with lid (55x38x29cm)
- Led flood light 30W 6500K
- Mini submersible water pump 200 l/h
- Micro plastic heater 15W (Haqos)
- Egg crate for platform
- PC cooling fan
- Fogger / Ultrasonic Fog Generator (Exo Terra)
- Terracotta pots Ø 9cm
- Substrate mix
- Timers

Mini submersible water pump and Micro plastic heater (preset to 25'C) are placed in the corner of the container:

Egg crate was used as a platform for the pots:

Cutted parts are fastened with cable ties:

The height of the platform is about 6cm, just enough to stand above the pump and heater:

I have also installed a small 12V PC fan  - i am running it with 6V AC adapter. This makes it noiseless and creates a pleasant breeze for plants (provides better gas exchange):


For lighting I have installed LED flood light reflector. It is placed 20cm above the lid, and connected to the timer - light is on for 9 h / day.

The substrate

Most Cryptocoryne can be grown simply in potting soil. In this setup I have used mix of potting soil, zeolite, sand and Aquaclay Ground. This potting soil consist of mainly white peat with some dolomite and NPK fertilizer.

Preparing the pots;


 Before planting pots with soil were well soaked (it is easier to plant). Also, Crypt roots were pruned to about 3cm. After planting the plants I have also added a thin layer of Aquasoil Amazonia, and on top some moss. Moss prevents infections and fungus/algae development:

Achieving ideal environment

 Ideal temp. for growing Crypts emersed is around 25 'C. Humidity should be >70%... To achieve this I am using small fogger from Exo Terra. It is connected to the timer which turning it on every 1 hour for 15 minutes. This way I have constant humidity of 80-85% (rising up to 95% when fogger is turned on).

C. nurii 'Rosen Maiden':

C. affinis 'Metallic Red':

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  1. How deep are the pots submersed in the water?

  2. Hi, water level is 1-2cm below soil level.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi, if you have problem with mold you can try to spray affected area with 1% KH2PO4 solution.

  4. Do you add any fertilizers to the water and do you change the water in the container?

    1. Hi, I do not add fertilizer to the water but to the pots - liquid ferts (micro and macro) using syringe with needle. I am changing water in the container once in 2 months.

    2. How regularly do you add the fertilizer?

    3. how much of each fertilizer is added per month?
      macro and micro, how many ML of each?

    4. I am making solution of 30ml micro and 70ml macro + 400ml RO water ( 500ml bottle). Dose is 10ml of that solution per pot.
