Cryptocoryne nurii 'Platinum' is found on Lingga island in the Riau Archipellago province of Sumatra. It was discovered in 2009 by Mr. Nakamoto.
This beautiful new Cryptocoryne he named Cryptocoryne sp. 'Lingga 19 – Platinum Line' based on its distinct platin-colored leaf nerves. Recently this plant got the status of a cultivar: C. nurii 'Platinum'.
The cultivar ‘Platinum’ differs from the normal form by its bright nerves of the leaf; the name ‘Platinum’ comes from the word for the rare noble metal platinum and its color refers to the nerves. The C. nurii plants from Lingga island have wider leaves compared to these from the mainland (Malay peninsula).
A still closed spathe of C. nurii 'Platinum' showing the typical nurii bulge:
From above:
This crypt growing very well in my High-tech setup.
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