Lighting: ADA Aquasky Moon 361 (connected on LED controler)
Filtration: Oase FiltroSmart Thermo 100 (Reduced flow to about 250l/h)
CO2: 2kg cylinder, Neo Diffuser, 1 bps
Other gadgets: aFAN Pro cooling fan, Twinstar M3
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil Amazonia Light, quartz sand
Hardscape: Ancient Stones
Fertilization: PPS-Pro method, Easy carbo
Plants: Fissidens sp. 'Dwarf', Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Catherinae', Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis parvula, Riccardia graeffei, Fissidens sp. 'Philippines', Helanthium tenellum 'Green'
New scape in ADA Mini M tank (36x22x26cm). In this scape I will try to not cover the stones too much with the moss, to highlight the beauty of the stone.
The whole structure is in one piece, everything is bonded with epoxy putty (and to the egg crate) :
This epoxy is great for this purpose as it gets hardened whitin a few minutes. It is two component glue and it has to be knead before aplication:
Next step is moss aplication, dry start for about 2-3 weeks.
Riccardia was applied to the rocks (yogurt method):
After 2 weeks of dry start other plants are planted. Eleocharis accicularis at the back:
Helanthium tenellum 'Green' in the middle (just behind the rocks):
After planting the tank was flooded. Riccardia seems to have attached well during the dry start:
I have installed small pump just to have some water movement for distribution of CO2 and still not too much flow that can blow out Riccardia. I will keep it for a week or so and then Filter will be turned on. I am going to use Oase FiltroSmart thermo 100 which has declarated max. flow of 600 l/h. Kinda overkill for this size tank but I will use throttle valve so it should work well:
A small addition of color and texture - Bucephalandra sp. 'Mini Catherinae' :
3 days after the flood I measured the ammonia - It is about 1,5ppm. I changed 50% water and planning to do this schedule for the next 3-4 weeks:
All equipment installed:
Day 12:
Day 24:
Day 44:
Eleocharis growing like crazy, needs trimming and removing from the foreground. Introduced 20 Neocaridina 'Fire red'.
Day 45: (After maintenance).
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