Dimensions: 120x50x45cm - 270 liters or 71 gallon
Lighting: Chihiros A1201 x2
Filtration: Oase BioMaster Thermo 600, Eheim 2217
Filtration: Oase BioMaster Thermo 600, Eheim 2217
CO2: Pressurised 3 bps - DIY CO2 reactor (connected on Eheim 2217)
Substrate: Lava gravel, ADA Aquasoil Amazonia Light
Hardscape: Dogwood, Red Moor wood, Galapagos rocks
Flora: Glossostigma elatinoides, Micranthemum callitrichoides 'Cuba', Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin', Anubias sp. 'Pangolino',Callicostella prabaktiana, Vesicularia sp. 'Mini Christmas moss', Microsorum sp. 'Dwarf narrow leaf', Nymphaea gardneriana 'Santarem', Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis sp. 'Montevidensis ADA',
Substrate: Lava gravel, ADA Aquasoil Amazonia Light
Hardscape: Dogwood, Red Moor wood, Galapagos rocks
Flora: Glossostigma elatinoides, Micranthemum callitrichoides 'Cuba', Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin', Anubias sp. 'Pangolino',Callicostella prabaktiana, Vesicularia sp. 'Mini Christmas moss', Microsorum sp. 'Dwarf narrow leaf', Nymphaea gardneriana 'Santarem', Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis sp. 'Montevidensis ADA',
Fauna: Crossocheilus oblongus, Caridina multidentata, Clithon corona, Planorbarius corneus (Leopard Ramshorn snails)
Fertilization: Bolbi Plantavit red booster 6ml and Plantavit potassium+ 6ml - daily via Chihiros dosing pump - in frist 7 weeks. Switching from Plantavit red booster to Plantavit complete from week 8
Water change: 50% twice a week (at the moment)
Substrate & Hardscape construction
First layer, about 50 liters of crushed lava rock. A mosquito net with velcro was used to prevent it from mixing with the soil.
Now it's time to build the hardscape.
Dogwood branches in combination with Galapagos rocks. These rocks are basalt rocks, much heavier than regular lava which makes the wood stable and safe from moving. The branches are secured to the stones using cable ties and additionally glued with a combination of rock wool and super glue.
I use ADA Amazonia Light as a nutrient substrate here. The goal is slower plant growth.
Pieces of Red Moor wood as a detail. They are placed slightly above the substrate to remain visible when the Glossostigma forms a carpet.
Day 1 - Planting
Glossostigma was planted quite sparingly, only one in vitro cup was used.
Mold has formed on the wood. Nothing concerning, it will subside over time.
An algae-eating crew has been introduced: SAE, Amano shrimps, and snails.
Glossostigma is growing vertically. It needs to be trimmed regularly to encourage horizontal growth. The upper parts of the plant can be replanted.
Day 43
The diatom is still present, but fortunately, there are no other types of algae. The wood has been completely cleaned of mold, so it's time to add moss to it.
The moss is cut into smaller pieces, approximately 1cm², and attached to the wood using gel super glue.
This glue can be used underwater, but it is easier to work above the water when changing the water. There is no need to add too much moss; the goal is to achieve natural spreading, as the moss will attach itself to the surface as it grows.
Glossostigma has started creeping along the substrate!
Day 49
Switching from Plantavit red booster to Plantavit complete.
The first 7 weeks, red booster 6ml and potassium+ 6ml per 240L (net) added (every 24h); 0.25 mg/L NO3, 0.1 mg/L PO4, 2.25 mg/L K, 0.1 mg/L Mg, 0.05 mg/L Fe + other trace elements.
Now, complete 6ml and potassium+ 6ml per 240L (net) adds (every 24h); 1.25 mg/L NO3, 0.25 mg/L PO4, 2.5 mg/L K, 0.1 mg/L Mg, 0.05 mg/L Fe + other trace elements.
The reason for adding red booster during the first 7 weeks is the release of nitrates from ADA Amazonia Light, as seen below in the test comparison of Amazonia and Amazonia Light.
Callicostella prabaktiana
Eleocharis sp. 'Montevidensis ADA'
Day 58
The brown algae has almost completely disappeared. The water change regime has been reduced from twice a week to once a week. The photoperiod has been increased from 7 to 8 hours a day.
The aquarium maintenance routine at this stage consists of regularly trimming the vertical growth of Glossostigma and changing the water.
Micranthemum callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Anubias sp. 'Mini Coin'
Vesicularia sp. 'Mini Christmas'
Caridina multidentata (Amano shrimp)
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