Lighting: Chihiros A-Series 21W
Filtration: Eheim 2211 (sponge, ceramic rings, Purigen)
CO2: 3kg cylinder, Inline atomizer, 1 bps
Heating: DIY inline with Jager 25W
Substrate: JBL Manado
Hardscape: Redmoor wood, lava rocks
Fertilization: PPS pro, Easy carbo
Water parameters: Temp. 24'C, pH 6.7, KH 5, GH 8
Plants: Cryptocoryne tokinensis, Cryptocoryne parva 'Mini', Bucephalandra sp. 'Cherry', Bolbitis sp. 'Mini Guinea 2002', Microsorum sp. 'Dwarf narrow leaf', Eleocharis acicularis,, Fissidens fox, Fissidens Grandifrons var. Planiccaulis, Fissidens sp. 'Brasil', Phyllanthus fluitans, Bolbitis heteroclita 'Difformis', Riccardia chamedryfolia, Crepidomanes Sp. Calicut.
Fish/shrimps: Boraras brigittae, Neocaridina heteropoda var. "Yellow", Leopard ramshorn snails
Equipment - small cabinet but everything fits! :)
Planting - white stuff on the hardscape is a yogurt, Fissidens fox was applied by Yogurt method. Epiphytic plants were glued on the hardscape with super glue (gel type):
Day 15 - Yogurt slowly decomposing and soon it will completely go away. In the meantime Fissidens will attach itself to the hardscape by their rhizoids:
Day 70
Day 87
Day 105
Day 130
Day 150
Final photo!
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