Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Amano shrimp vs. Black beard algae (BBA)

If you wonder how efficient Amano shrimps are against BBA, here is my story. This aquarium I have used as an experimental tank; fertilizer testing, CO2, photoperiod, water flow... Like the most of my experiments, it resulted in disaster. First there was a problem with green...

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Nano aquascape - "By the Sea"

Dimensions: 59x20x15cm - 17 liters or 4.5 gallonsLighting: Chihiros RGB60Filtration: Eden 501 (sponge, ceramic rings) CO2: Pressurised 1 bubble every 3 secondsSubstrate: Pool filter sand, gravel 1-3mm, peatHardscape: Seiryu stones, Lava...